Will you be judged as Bake Off winner, or will you have a soggy bottom?
On Friday 8 June, bring your best Bakes (sweet or savoury, whichever you prefer!) to the office to take part in the Career Legal Bake Off for Action Duchenne.
Each team can submit a Bake, which will be judged at lunchtime on 8 June by a panel of (impartial!?) judges.
Bring along plenty of money so you can sample the competition’s Bakes, its for a great cause so dig deep (and thank you!).
Why Action Duchenne?
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare and complex genetic muscle wasting condition, mainly affecting males. It is one of the most severe muscular dystrophies, with muscle weakness appearing in early childhood between the ages of 2 and 5.
Our vision: we want a world where people’s lives are no longer limited by Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.
When Action Duchenne was founded in 2001, the average life expectancy for a young person living in the UK with Duchenne was late teens. It is now late 20’s.
We have brought about real change to people living with Duchenne, with your help we can achieve even more for the community.
Thank you for changing the lives of the thousands of families living with Duchenne.