How can we support you and your family?
1 – 1 Support
We have Support Officers available to talk to you over the phone, video chat or WhatApp. Please get in touch at any time by phone: 07535498506
Dads Against Duchenne
Our monthly DAD’s group is about relaxing with other men who are in the same situation. There’s no set agenda each week, it’s as open ended as going to the pub or for a meal with mates.
Read moreTime Out – A Space for Mums
The most common thing we hear from Duchenne mums is the struggle to juggle it all, the pressure to hold it all together and the total lack of any space for themselves. So even if it’s just once a month, Time Out is a space just for you.
Read moreGrandparents Together
Running once a month on a Friday morning, Grandparents Together is a safe space for you to ask all your questions alongside others in the same situation and to have a chat with people who truly understand.
Read moreOpen Space
Open Space is our session for anyone connected to Duchenne, from aunties and uncles, adult siblings and family friends to professionals, school staff and clinicians working with someone living with Duchenne.
We’ll have speakers who can answer your questions, meet others who really understand and be part of a network of support.
Group Counselling
We know that being a parent or carer of someone living with Duchenne can be really tough, and we know that it is difficult to find the right support. We are offering an 8 week online group counselling programme, facilitated by a professional counselling. The sessions will cover many aspects of life with Duchenne, such as anxiety, anticipatory grief and coping strategies.
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