We are excited to share the recording from the wonderful presentation from the webinar delivered by renowned developmental behavioural paediatrician …
Summer Webinar Recording – Andrea Weldon
Summer Webinar Recording- Andrea WeldonHow to talk to your child about body image and self esteem"When my son turned 10 I noticed he was becoming very …
Spring Webinar – Annemieke Aarstma-Rus
Spring Webinar - Annemieke Aarstma-RusPreclinical research for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: How does it work and why does it take so long?In this …
Cardiac Care for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Carriers
Unfortunately, female carriers have not received a lot of focus from the research community in the past. Here, we will discuss the topic of carriers …
Cardiac Care for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy CarriersRead More
In this bite-sized video we delve into the topic of carriers - exploring who are carriers, why they 'carry' the Duchenne mutation, and how Duchenne is …
Germline Mosaicism
Join us as we explore what germline mosaicism is and how these sporadic mutations, also known as chromosome alteration, occur in germline cells (eggs …
X-Linked Recessive Inheritance
In this video we will explore the pattern of genetic inheritance referred to as 'X linked recessive' - We will highlight how and why the X chromosome …
Spontaneous Mutations
Join us as explore the topic of spontaneous mutations and how these mutations relate to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We use simple and accessible …
What is a Splice Site Variant?
Here you will learn how these mutations disrupt gene expression and lead to a range of genetic disorders such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. …
Reading Frames
Explore the fundamental genetic concept of reading frames in our latest video. Dive into how these frames dictate the translation of DNA into …
Genetic Mutations in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Here we discuss how mutations can occur, and how the genetic mutations in the dystrophin gene leads to Duchenne muscular dystrophy symptoms. …
<strong>Genetic Mutations in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy</strong>Read More
What are Exons?
Learn about what exons are and their crucial role in gene expression and subsequent protein synthesis. …