‘Educating, enabling and including’ is the theme of the unmissable 20th Action Duchenne International Conference, which launches this week. Bringing together people from across the world; including individuals living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and their families, patient experts, clinicians, healthcare professionals, industry and equipment providers, this is the first in-person Action Duchenne International Conference since 2019.
The Action Duchenne conference is like Duchenne Christmas – it feels like everyone is part of a big extended DMD family, you catch up with old friends, there’s lovely food, a big meal, and a party. It’s also much more than Christmas to be honest because everyone there knows what we are all going through. Tapping into that deep understanding and solidarity keeps me going for the rest of the year. It really does.
Duchenne Mum, attendee 2020 virtual conference
This long-awaited two-day, live conference will focus on key areas of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Running across 4 content streams, attendees can expect expert led presentations, question and answer sessions, patient led discussions and updates about latest Duchenne research.
So many excellent sessions from pharma companies and clinicians on research streams and leading edge science. Very well put together agenda, well organised and great venue. Thankyou Action Duchenne team!
Duchenne Dad, attendee 2019
Tickets and accommodation
Thanks to the support of the conference sponsors, partners and exhibitors, Action Duchenne are able to offer heavily discounted tickets to Duchenne families, along with complimentary tickets for every person who lives with Duchenne, and 2 for 1 tickets for Action Duchenne Members.
Attendees can book their hotel rooms at the special Action Duchenne rate when they book their conference tickets. In order to make the most of the time at the conference, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights are recommended. All accessible accommodation bookings are dealt with personally by a dedicated member of the Action Duchenne team.
Such a warm, welcoming environment – it was like being with family and that is invaluable. Even if it it just once a year, I felt totally understood and supported.
Duchenne Mum, attendee 2019
Free childcare at the conference
It is important for Duchenne families to have the option to bring their children to join in at the Conference, where they too can make new friends and be a part of a community that ‘gets it’.

Action Duchenne offers spaces in the crèche (for 0-9 year olds) and ‘The Hang Out’ (for 10-17 year olds). The charity are putting together a fun programme for ‘The Hang Out’ with activities like; Circus skills, music, gaming and Mad Science, for the tweens and teens to look forward to. For the younger children (ages 0-9) the professional creche team will take good care of them while parent carers make the most of the conference sessions.
The free childcare places are limited and can be booked when attendees register for conference tickets.
I loved the conference and I know that it had to be done virtually this year but I really missed the social interaction with other parents.
Duchenne Mum, attendee 2020 virtual conference

The international Duchenne community is stronger together. After all this time Action Duchenne are proud to give everyone the long-awaited opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and power at this unmissable event.
We look forward to welcoming you at Action Duchenne’s 2022 International Conference.