On Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 17:00 we had the pleasure of welcoming the Action Duchenne Members, Trustees and team to our Annual General Meeting.
The purpose of a charity’s AGM is to give Members the opportunity to vote on business items on the agenda, to ask questions and to find out more about the management of the charity from trustees and management team.
We were pleased to host the meeting online, with; Company Secretary, Victoria Penrice; Chairman, Rob Laid; National Director, Florence Boulton and Treasurer Roger Cockerton on the panel.
The quorate voted on and agreed the following items of business;
- The annual report and accounts for the 12 month period to 31 March 2021 were received.
- Trustees reappointed;
- Simon Dadd
- Rob Laid
- Trustees appointed;
- Ellen Lambrix
- Simpson Wreford LLP reappointed as auditor of the charity, and remuneration authorised for year ended 31 March 2022.
- The National Director gave a report on Action Duchenne’s successes during the ‘rebuild, refocus and reinvest’ phase, leading into the plans for our ‘bringing support, care and education to life’ phase.
- The Treasurer gave a high level overview of the accounts
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all our Members for your continued support and dedication to our vital work.
Please consider becoming a Member of Action Duchenne by setting up a direct debit today.