Start your Summer as an Action Duchenne Champion

Action Duchenne are proud to be a Parallel charity partner for their flagship Festival of Inclusivity, held on 7th July 2024 in the grounds of Windsor Great Park and staged on the iconic Long Walk. We want to use this amazing opportunity to bring our Duchenne community together and to get Team AD out in force!
Join staff, trustees, young people living with Duchenne and their families to take part in a truly inclusive, accessible and family friendly event. Places are FREE and there’s no fundraising obligation. We will have a dedicated area for meeting up before and after the events and we would love to see as many of you as possible. Let’s make it our biggest AD team event yet!

Event Aims
The event has 3 core aims:-
- To encourage people of all ages, health conditions and abilities to challenge themselves and get more active.
- To provide a unique and inclusive platform for charitable fundraising and togetherness.
- To create a lens into what an inclusive and accessible society should look and feel like to influence change.
Challenge events
There are 5 challenge events to choose from: 100m, 1K, 5K, 10K or the SuperSensor 1K. Walk, push or run – there are no cut off times. Mobility aids and assistance animalare welcome, where everybody can ‘Start Together, Finish Whenever’. Participation can be in-person or remote, and everybody who starts receives a medal and t-shirt.
Festival of Inclusivity
The fully accessible festival offers a huge range of activities & entertainment: Liv Music, Arts & Crafts, Active Lifestyle, Inclusive Sport, Storytelling, Cookery, Wellbeing, Dance and lots of Family Entertainment. The Festival also includes a Quiet Space, Sensory Zone and Family Picnic Area, supported by accessible facilities, on-site parkin and medical provision.
To find out more about what you could to support our much-needed work, look at our events and fundraising challenges.