Vivek Gohil campaigns for better access for disabled people, spreads awareness of the possibilities available to young people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is a mine of knowledge about tech.
The 29 year old, who lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, is a blogger and an Accessible Gaming Consultant. He has worked with Microsoft to test their Xbox Adaptive Controller before launch. He is consulting with PlayStation as a games tester, has spoken at multiple gaming and NHS conferences and is a freelance writer for the gaming website Eurogamer.
Meet Vivek at the Conference
We are delighted to announce Vivek Gohil will be presenting at the Action Duchenne International Conference 2019.
Vivek’s session will focus on his experiences working in accessibility, physiotherapy exercises to keep your hands mobile, demonstrate his gaming setup and discuss what game developers are doing for accessibility.
Uncanny Vivek blog
Read Vivek’s recent blog about how Sugru glue, and a brilliant designer has helped him create a revolutionary gaming controller which could potentially change the way he plays games forever.