We need you!
Are you a parent/caregiver of a child living with Duchenne? Are you a teacher, TA, SENDCO or clinician working with someone living with Duchenne?
Moving from primary to secondary education can be really difficult for young people living with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Many start to see their mobility decline and they find they are using their wheelchair more, or losing the ability to walk altogether. As they experience these physical changes, we know many have feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety and low self esteem. Many struggle with isolation and their emotional mental health and well-being suffers.
We plan to change this. We want to make sure that support is available to young people aged 8 to 14 at the most important stages of their Duchenne journey. We need voices from as many of you as possible to ensure we get this much needed project right.
Please help us by filling in our short survey for PARENTS/CARERS or PROFESSIONALS. You’ll be entered into a prize draw and FIVE people will win a £20 Amazon voucher. If you’d like to say more, please get in touch with our Dawn, our Fundraising and Support Officer: dawn@actionduchenne.org
That’s not bad for 5 minutes of sharing your opinions!