Who we support
We support parents, carers, children and young people living with Duchenne, adults living with Duchenne, siblings, teachers, education professionals and any other professionals supporting families or individuals living with Duchenne.
From the first phone call, I felt completely understood and supported. Speaking to other DMD parents who work for Action Duchenne has truly been a lifeline for me, and they have never wavered in their support and patience.
A massive thank you – Action Duchenne have been there for us since our little one arrived and are our go to people for help outside medical professionals.
Brilliant at providing a wider perspective on Duchenne. The research is so important. But helping families understand the condition, providing a friendly and sympathetic ear, and helping them to access care and assistance is vital for so many on a day-to-day basis. This is where Action Duchenne stands out.
We support families from the moment they are diagnosed and whatever stage of the journey you are at we are here for you.
Take a look below at the range of support we offer.
Please contact us to arrange a time to chat to someone who understands, to share any worries you may have and to get support.